+ combining Mega Man with roguelike design is a great idea
+ the controls are tight enough
+ pickups are varied and seriously change up the gameplay
+ meta-upgrades significantly reduce the general level of difficulty
+ different characters play very differently
+ boss weapons significantly change up the moment-to-moment gameplay
+ level select after boss fights offers tactical choices
+ boss weakness system is copied from the Mega Man games
+ difficulty of stages and bosses scales naturally over the course of a run

- controlling various boss weapons at the same time can get a bit confusing
- proceedural level generation can lead to unfair platforming challenges
- challenge rooms are exceedingly difficult and one-try only
- the action frequently becomes confusing due to effects clutter
- movement and jump upgrades feel necessary for a sucessful run
- the music and sound effects are unremarkable
- the animation style feels a bit off
- the final boss is unique but not that fun to fight

Magic Moment: Finally finishing that challenge room that you attempted a dozen times to find the double jump upgrade.

Playtime: 3,5 hours for one playthrough with the main character on Normal diffculty. 18 hours for all characters with some attempts at the highest difficult.

The aesthetics might be an acquired taste to some, but any fan of classic Mega Man action will find plenty to enjoy here. The roguelike elements fit well into the structure of a 2D action game, and the meta-upgrades are motivating enough to want to got for just another run. And what more can you really ask for in a game like this?

Play it and look forward to the full release of the sequel like me.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2023
