they just abandoned the good story they had for the first game just to make this dumpster fire of a sequel, and the story conclusion wasn't even satisfying,

I'm not hating on this game because there are lgbt characters in it, since a character can be cool and well written no matter what sexuality you write in, as long as their sexuality isn't their whole character,

the state of this game makes me sad cause the studio proved they could write a good, compelling story, but they just didn't.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2023


7 months ago

Their sexuality isn’t their whole character? If you’re talking about her relationship with dina that has nothing to do with gender.

7 months ago

@enderfrog when I said "I'm not hating on this game because there are lgbt characters in it, since a character can be cool and well written no matter what sexuality you write in, as long as their sexuality isn't their whole character" that was a disclaimer, dude....

21 days ago

@alexthelemon aight i'm sorry man