On the one hand, the puzzles in this game are really good. There's a lot of very clever design and well-engineered moments that make you go oh. But on the other hand, some sections of the puzzles have accessibility issues that make them incomplete-able (for certain types of colorblindness or anyone hard of hearing). When asked about the accessibility problems, Jonathon Blow said something along the lines of 'you don't need to play the entire game' which is a pretty shitty and casually ableist thing to say. Just add some options, dude, it's fine. It won't ruin your stupid game.

There's also the problem that Jon Blow is kind of shitty. Remember that time he said women aren't as good as men at programming because of some kind of horseshit biological reason? Yeah, the dude sucks. Anyway, ignore all the audio logs and weird philosophy videos in the game and just do the puzzles. Or maybe play other puzzle games, I dunno.

This game does have some of the prettiest video game trees, though.

edit: docking a star for Jon Blow continuing to be a real piece of garbage, seriously fuck that dude and get vaccinated

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2021
