For being a six hour long tech demo essentially, this game is a lot of superpowered fun. While it eschews the stronger narrative that it's predecessors had and the characters for the most part, it definitely lives up to the tagline of "Enjoy your powers". If anything, it's a glimpse into a fourth game that will likely never happen unfortunately, but how fun would that be to have one with this level of polish, visual detail, and gameplay?

This game is the absolute definition of mediocre. I gave it an honest chance, but literally nothing was keeping me invested in it. It's gameplay is fun, it's got that satisfying AAA polish to it that makes it feel punchy and brutal. But besides that, there's nothing else. Interesting characters are nonexistent, the open world has nothing to do in it besides outposts and collectibles, and the story is so dreadfully contrived, formulaic and boring that I just couldn't keep going.