This isn’t the greatest game I’ve ever played. There’s a lot that’s objectively wrong with it: its translation is kinda shoddy, its battle system is overly simple and doesn’t do much different from its contemporaries, it’s a short RPG, its graphics and effects are somewhat lackluster, its story is fun but not especially chock full of deep layered characters, and it can be pretty clunky at times.

Yet despite this, I think Okage: Shadow King is a fantastic experience bursting with passion, humor and creativity.

Its art style and character designs burst with a nightmare flavor to them, and with the fairy tale way the story is framed, it makes sense to model them as such. They’re charming and unique. The characters themselves are fun too, while not deep, they’re hilarious(something shared with the game as a whole), and the story is surprisingly layered and intriguing.

Even the gameplay I enjoy. I like it for its relative simplicity, even without diversity in character builds, min/maxing or anything like that, it’s still fun in its simplicity I feel.

Okage is a definitely a game without a place to belong, made too soon for many to appreciate its humor and soul, and too late to be considered a classic in its own merit.

I think it’s a definitive cult classic, a strange, surreal, but heartfelt RPG journey that you wouldn’t be remiss in trying out if any of that sounds fun to you.

I quite like the first Borderlands. I dig it's wasteland feel, I dig is relative aimless feel, and I like how it makes you feel like the Vault Hunter you are, this lawless land needs a lawless hunter in it and I like how the game does that. Shooting is great, the series signature humor isn't as over the top in later games, but it's quirky enough to enjoy it. Shooting and looting is a ton of fun, the core loop is pretty addicting. The story is meh, but it's still neat enough to push you through. Check it out and see if you want to continue playing through the series, cause the games do get better after this.

"It's cute that you all think you're the heroes of this little adventure, but, you're not."

Borderlands 2 is a really fun time. Classes are diverse and fun to experiment with, the gameplay and abilities are hella fun to use, and there's tons of great characters to hang out with here. The story ain't half bad too, with a great driving antagonist that I'm sure everyone knows about. It's just such a fun time to shoot, loot and repeat and keep collecting stronger weapons, it's a great loop and it makes the neurons in my gamer brain go off like a tornado siren. Good stuff.

I've always been a Playstation kid, but even when this game came out, it just missed it's mark. A nothing arcade mode, baffling roster choice, and gameplay that lacks intricacy, it shapes up to be a really disappointing fighting game.

I knew when I got into Danganronpa there was no going back and boy howdy was I right. These games are fun as hell.

I played this game when I was like 12, and it blew my fucking mind. Looking back at it, it's a pretty wacky abridged game for the three Matrix movies. Though surprisingly, it adds a lot of extra bits that really make it fun to go through(fighting ants in a weird illusion scape? LIKE HUH?). It's gameplay is pretty jank but good fun, the shooting has jank lock on but it's still alright. I'd honestly play this for how insane it all is. If you're a fan, then that makes it better too.

I think this game is excellent in it's updated form. A classic story of romantic horror wrapped in a delicious amount of Atlus game style. While the original version of the game certainly had content that did not age well(The character of Erica in this version is so much better), the new content is fantastic and the game is still so much fun. Go in without reservations and have a good time. Be careful not to fall though.

This game made me cry what the hell.

This game is so goddamn fun, if you put me into a empty room with this game and a bucket, I'd eat the bucket, and play this game for days. It's short, on a take your time playthrough, it's about 6 hours. But in this case, it's by design. It's meant to be replayed so you can get better and better. The gameplay is like a third person bullet hell, and has tons of hidden mechanics and strategies for shooting and punching the shit out of robots and looking stylish as hell while doing it. The story is there. It's more of a reason to give you the game to play, though I do like our main character, think there's a lot of charm there. If you love action games, you owe it to yourself to play Vanquish.

More fun than it has any right to be. Story is bare, but gameplay is fast, fun and bloody, and the characters are pretty fun too, despite pretty much just being walking fanservice, but you know what? I'm cool with that. Great game.

Edit: Kagura is my wife.

It's funny, despite how my tastes with games change over time, Shadow of the Colossus stays stuck in my brain over and over again. Something about it is so mysterious and enigmatic. The Forbidden Lands(the main setting of the game), feel alive but filled with mystery, the main narrative in minimalist but profound, and the feeling you get when seeing the first Colossus, this massive towering thing, is a fantastic experience. Play this game, it's worth everything you've heard. Words can't fully describe it.

This game sucks. But I love it. Something about it appeals to my love of the 2000's jank and Hot Topic, anime fan who just got really into Japanese made games more. It's skungy as fuck and downright broken and unfinished. A prime example of what could have been. It's gonna have real reevaluations this decade, mark my words.

This is such a charming little rhythm game, a classical music rhythm game no doubt. The character designs exude charm and the general feel is just so delightful.

Not only does the Kaito DLC feature Kaito with in his caked up glory, the story is surprisingly fantastic and the gameplay is still hella fun.

This game is such an underrated, neglected gem. You know this game was abandoned by its publisher, and didn’t have any support on release, because it doesn’t even have a subtitle function. Despite this, it’s an inventive time-travel FPS with tons of cool powers, a neat story, good shooting, and a lot of strategic depth for how to use your abilities. Hell of a gem, shame it couldn’t have more attention.