The music is good, characters are enjoyable, and I get plenty of Ace Attorney vibes without the worry if I'm gonna present the wrong item and have to do guess work in a particular order. SCOUT is friend :3
Did all the puzzles except one (!) I'll never commit to finding. I guess in the third mission, there's a non-important puzzle one could miss if ya follow the plot too strictly. Can fail to move to a place that opens up puzzle... And after beating a mission, I cannot simply just see and choose to play the puzzles in the mission. And this said missing puzzle is right before the end, so I'd have to replay the mission from the start pretty much.
I at least was able to alter the save file to consider the mission S ranked (received from completing all puzzles in a mission) to unlock the complete set of memory puzzles, and see more miscellaneous story beats after completing a set.
Besides this small set back, it was a great game! Puzzles weren't the hardest, but you wouldn't want to spend too long away from the story and forget stuff. Pacing between puzzle and story was good I felt, and the story kept you engaged for the most part. But I do tend to play some/most of my picross puzzles to wind down and snooze, so slight conflict lol.