Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is a very unique B-tier style game I wish we got more of. It is a linear, level-based action RPG in contrast to most other fantasy games that are massive and sprawling. Although really, it is a fantasy Jackie Chan simulator: run around an environment kicking guys into things, throw physics objects at them, or use magic.

The combat is mostly great, although the hit-boxes feel a bit weird. I would often do a horizontal slash with the sword that would miss the enemy because they weren't in the crosshair, even though the sword swung through them.

Story-wise it's pretty good for a small linear game like this, with some good and evil choices you can make to determine the ending (as was the style in the mid 2000s). It justifies going from level to level without becoming annoying. Sareth and Xana have some fun dialogue back-and-forth occasionally, which helps to give the game some life since most NPCs will just be outright hostile.

Other than constant crashing, the biggest problem I have is in environment. Most of the game takes place in caves, sewers, dungeons, underground lairs, etc. The latter half of the game especially blurs together because all these areas are so dark, so you spend most of the time in the blue night-vision mode. I wish there was a torch or lantern or spell for light instead to not take away from the art and lighting of the levels.

Arkane, why isn't the kick in every game?

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
