This game had a way more deserving score before a dumb YouTuber talked about it in a shallow video essay about how it was the most messed up rpg ever!!! and invited hordes to review bomb it (by giving it anything less than 5 stars)

I wanted to give this a quick play because I wanted to support the devs and they made a reference to AliceSoft. The VN portion is the strongest and the other two side games are passable. Very nicely written short story, identity juxtaposed by surroundings, the character practically argues with herself.

A side of her formed by delusion is ironically her policeman. The way to engage with the universe and its foulest aspects is simply a corrective voice in her head. The side of her that’s bratty, impulsive, and cynical stomps through corridors and smashes old desks, is judgmental of people around her, but also can’t stop herself from having empathy and vulnerability. Those things are just aspects she’s too scared to share with anybody but herself.

The nature of KAngel. Is built within a Facade.

This review was written before the game released

It should be very illegal to end functionally of a game I bought (even if it was 6 years ago) and then ask for my phone number for the version they replaced it with (also the new version kicks everyone out every half a game on launch day)

The only DLC worth it by far. No forced grinding against a boss that has 3 moves for hours. No cutting corners on story. This stretched is balanced and paced great, has very little filler, and is beyond a recap. A perfect expansion of Trunks’ arc. His character growing to realize he doesn’t need to shoulder burdens for others led him to define his strength by others, and upon his internal dialogue and a trigger realizes he needs to define himself. While it’s paved well and the animations and battles are better and cleaner, the gameplay is still mashing A and Ki spamming. This storyline deserved a bit better though it is greater than the individual experience of Kakarot itself.

“The people who built this world intended it to be better for you, but they failed. It is easier to live in their failure with this by your side.”
[It’s real tell her.]
“This is not a childish fantasy. It can be a real weapon against what’s coming for you now.”
“What’s coming for me?”
“Nothing as long as you have this [Hands her their discarded tape recorder]”

Through the steady decay of a failed revolution, the spread of rot reaches a land birthed by the will of all of it’s people. A Communist Revolution, the last of its kind, was snuffed out by imperialists against the philosophy in Revachol. The war singed the culture of Revachol, scarring them, and leaving people willing to pick up the scraps.
No matter the ideology because of the complexity of the issues surrounding Revachol, every encounter almost meets a selfish action, characters react to the heavy circumstances around them, even the protagonists. The desire and preservation of self is core to the story of the protagonist, found in the remnants of the communist regime, and rooted even within the fascist oppression of Revachol. From the day to day challenge of the world around them to the conflict of war, preservation is gripped until the end. The bizarre protagonist is baffling to Revachol, as he has no sense or remnant of self. Gazing into a mirror is deeply suffocating, treating it as a decision where you can no longer go back. It is the first step to remind him of his origin, his origin it almost strangles him to understand. The protagonist Harry’s self remembrance circulates from the bitter taste of his policing, the absurd persona of his party loving rockstar, or the gentle and sorry reactions to the cruel inevitability of his desire for progress. While DE gives you plenty of facets of a person to role play, I personally tried to rehabilitate Harry, avoiding cruelty and bigotry. The world around him is glint with hope. Like the people of this decomposed city could rise into something meaningful. There is a heavy melancholy in Disco Elysium. There is almost a dreadful acceptance it will steadily derive any say it’s citizens have in it’s government. Even with all of those burdens there is just a deep love for Revachol, a desire to endure, that possessiveness of that city so intense it birthed a war for it’s political freedom, is still there. Through a woman who lost her husband to alcoholism, a dream of playing music made from trees, a girl playing with a stuffed lamb, and a detective who learns to confront his trauma, regardless of the relentless taxing burdens of this world, hope is just as inevitable as the grip of politics.
The irony of the communist state mandated police feels like the best way to play this game. Just like people it’s boundless and absurd. There’s a wonderment to Disco Elysium, while your partner, Kim tends to reign in Harry and be logical, acting far more accepting to preserve at least the safety of citizens in society, Harry can be a far more free spirit. He believes in baffling things, he finds conflict and peace in fanaticism. He has idealized fantasies that he isn’t necessarily supposed to grow out of. He’s can be someone who wants people to be happy even not playing by the books, he wants citizens to prosper. His politics and morals, flexible beliefs, dismissal of the law through it all builds his own Elysium in his mind, while all of it can’t just come true, it brings him comfort. It defines who he is, it defines humans. The self is confusing, fragile, and illogical. Self is built through both beliefs, how they conflict with reality, and how they endure with reality. Harry regains and redefines himself, he learns to embrace himself again, he isn’t someone to idolize, he and all of Revachol is human. He is Revachol itself.


Pseudo Intellectual Reddit Game

A narrative rich Zelda game with a gorgeous aesthetic. This bears peak characterization for the franchise, impeccable dungeon design, a world as rich in atmosphere as any other Zelda, and an empowering story for both Link and his companion in a way that manages to flesh the two out in a manner unmatched to even previous Zelda games.