I've put almost 500 hours into Fallout 4. I've played Fallout 3 dozens of times. I've explored every inch of Skyrim. I've grinded out all skills to the max level in Oblivion. I like Bethesda games. Starfield though? Starfield will never get me back. Some people are harsh critics of most of Bethesda's post-Morrowind content, saying they're bland and sanded down to the point of blandness. Starfield has less of an edge than a perfect sphere.

I think in my 100 or so hours, there was exactly one interesting quest called Operation Starseed; an extremely distant planet had a colony of clones of historical figures from Earth's history and several factions had been made between them based on wanting to leave or not. This quest had some interesting moral choices based on the concept of if a clone would act the same as their genetic base; more or less the moral argument on if behavior is genetic or learned. On top of that, the dungeon you had to crawl through was incredibly unique, it wasn't possible to have an "everyone wins" ending to the quest, and you got Amelia Earheart as a companion in your ship.

Meanwhile every questline and every other quest was boring at best, total shit at worst. None of them were well written nor did any have interesting plot beats. Several ended before they could even build up any momentum leading to an incredibly flat, wet fart of an ending without any worthwhile reward. When you can land on a planet and kill a single enemy and get more experience than a 20 minute long quest, what's the point of questing? On top of that, most quests are simply a matter of entering loading zones repeatedly with little to no content to make it enjoyable. Where's the Oasis? Where's the Whodunit? Where's the Lost to the Ages? Where's the Brain Dead? Even though I praised Operation Starseed, I don't even think it compares to any of the listed missions.

On top of all this, despite what Bethesda has said I found Starfield to be the buggiest game of theirs by a country mile, even more than launch Skyrim. Major NPCs not spawning, enemies refusing to function properly, entire planets not spawning in when landing, constant crashes, terrible performance, the list goes on. I feel they were straight up lying when they said this was the least buggy release yet.

I bought a GPU for this game and I regret it. The specific Amazon listing I bought to get the game bundled in was a scam, on top of the game genuinely sucking ass. If the launch version of this game sucked ass, I cannot imagine how bad the game would have been if it had released a year prior as initially planned. I wish this game's tone was closer to that of the animated three-piece series they put out before the game came out. I wish the combat was better than their game from 2008. I wish there was a reason to care about this game, but there isn't.

At least it functions properly.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023
