Very simple and short game, but seeing as it's a remake of a 1989 game that's to be expected. The remakes hand drawn art style is easily the best part of this game. An absolute delight just looking at every single character and fully realized background. The ability to instantly swap between the new and old graphics also makes you appreciate the games art style even more with how much more detail they've added to everything. Even though it's a late 80's game I am glad to say I didn't need a walkthrough to finish it, though this game does contain many cryptic secrets that you'll unlikely come across unless you're extremely thorough (as in pressing up in very specific places) so feel free to use a guide once you finish the main story. The difficulty is also kind of off. It's all over the place, sometimes enemies can never kill you other times your fighting for dear life. Most enemies and bosses are also very simplistic in their attack patterns, yet they can also catch you of guard from either occasional unfair enemy placement or dealing a full heart of health seemingly from nowhere. Keep on top of buying new gear and you'll be fine for the most part. Still I had quite a bit of fun exploring and fighting the expressive monsters, and it being short meant it didn't overstay its welcome. If you see it on sale then consider picking it up. It'll keep you busy for a afternoon or two.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2022
