That's my third yakuza game finished and if I had to say probably my favorite thus far. Now it had a it's issues most of which were piled up near the end game, but the meat and potatoes of this game tasted Damn good. This is one of those games that would probably be rated a bit lower if the positives weren't as big as they are. This game hit a lot of right notes for me but I can see it hitting a lot of sour notes for some with the somewhat limited job system, MASSIVE difficulty spike in the endgame and fairly grindy sections, and while usually this stuff is a no go for me as well, I think it just being in the context of yakuza and the charm and personality that brings made it way more enjoyable and bearable. This game's got a lot of flaws but it's for just as many if not more positives. If you got a similar brain worm as me you'll probably enjoy this one.

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2024
