I don't know how to justify not giving this game a full 5 out of 5-star review.

Baldur's Gate 3 is a masterpiece, obviously, it will probably sit in the top 5 of many people's greatest games of all time lists, and in terms of games from the last 5 or so years, it's probably unrivaled. I loved this adventure, for all the 70 or so hours it took. The visuals are amazing, the worldbuilding and quests aren't life-changing like The Witcher 3's or super deep like some RPG-maker games, but they were always worth the time. I loved the party of characters I collected, all great in their own way with their own amazing stories.

There are very few problems here, most of which are nitpicks and my own fault honestly, but here they are. I don't always like the dice system. Sometimes being completely inept at something you are actually an expert at feels bad, and it made me quick-load a couple of times. Most of the time it was good, but sometimes I just felt robbed. Same with the combat. The best way to win was ALWAYS just to back away and use AoE's, which was boring, but all the big fights (except the very last one) became this. The bard class (the one I picked because I love talking my way out of stuff) was boring to play in combat. Moving around took a while sometimes, but that's about it.

Amazing game that everyone should play.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
