This game is way too grindy. While most F2P games nowadays you can play 15-30 minutes a day, this one will have you play for hours if you don't want to fall behind.

The entire system is based around the weapons that you pull, and then you spend hours levelling up to the point of becoming usable. But every week there's a new event in which you'll have to discard the previous build and start over. The event weapons are almost all complete trash, in general they only give you good base stats, if you want to get the really strong abilities you got to depend on luck of pulling several of the same weapon, or spend a lot of cash.

The materia system is also really bad, to get a really low chance of getting good materia you'll have to spend rare materials that were only given away in one event so far, and even then the stats they give you are random and you could end up with something of high rarity but that is weaker than the cheaper stuff you made.

Though, all of this is not really as bad as the fact they recently released a boss that is not beatable unless you spent thousands in real cash. There's no indication if this going to be the norm from now on, and if they will rerelease the event in the future when regulars players are strong enough to beat it.

As it stands, not even being a huge fan is enough to keep me playing. The extra prequel story they're releasing is also not good enough either to keep me interested. Ever Crisis is an unfortunate blemish on FFVII's history.