God of War 2005 is a marvel of a game. I've never really seen a game like this successfully pull off so many different genres. It's a puzzle game, 3-D platformer, and hack and slash all at once. And it does really good on all fronts. And specifically I loved the temple of Pandora. Even though it took up like half of my playtime, it was so fun, so challenging, and really made me think "How did they even come up with this??" Unfortunately, I do think the game shows it's age just a bit in its combat mechanics. I had some trouble with the blocking and rolling mechanics actually working/inputting fast enough. I also couldn't animation cancel my attacks which, even if it was intentional and not due to the games age or technical limits, was still annoying and got me killed a few times. Overall tho, the experience was amazing and I'm definitely gonna replay to try and get the platinum trophy.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
