This game is SO SO fun.

But I gotta nitpick a bit. There's a bit of RNG and the formulas of making good games inside this game are a bit nonsensical, you can search on Google to see what I'm talking about. I'll tell you, the tutorials work. I never create a game that goes below 6.5 score.

I don't know if I'm too stupid, or if this game is painfully hard. It's extremely creative tho.


Worst than its predecessor in everyway.

Quick, uninspiring, and boring. Also, the voice acting is so dreadful it makes me vomit.

The movement feels stiff but is actually quite pleasing.

It's a bit weird of a game, but it gets on you.

I really enjoyed it, while it last.

Crazy and tons of fun. And Ron memes.

I played this game on Playstation 2 and on PSP. They are distinct games. The PSP version doesn't even have voice acting.

The Playstation 2 version is entertaining, but a huge step back from Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. Without a doubt, the mini-games are much much MUCH better in this game. I'm especially fond of the potions mini-game. It's also better than the movie.

The PSP game has no quality whatsoever, even I could burn it, I would.

The framerate is an inconvenience but is not a hindrance. At least on Playstation 2.

I think it's the richest Harry Potter game in terms of exploration. This one feels worthy to 100%. And it's more entertaining that looking for stupid ass badges.

This game is great on PSP since it relies on you playing over and over again to unlock the next stages.

On "static" consoles It gets a bit boring. But it's fun, don't get the hate on this one.

I didn't finish, since I didn't have a Playstation 1. But it runs in Playstation 2, the thing is that I had to restart all of over every time I played. The game has an interesting redesign of Hogwarts, but the graphics are super outdated even for the time it was made. The characters look like they have Down Syndrome xD

The gameplay is extremely dull, and the levels are very repetitive and not at all creative.

Hasn't a good time...

Uncommitted fun. Those who played the Playstation 1 version, I feel sorry for you xD

The Playstation 2 version is really good.

This game is so simple and so profound. You can imagine a brilliant movie coming out of this.