My greatest achievement in my life is unlocking all the roster in 1 single afternoon (my cousin was coming and since it wasn't at my house i didn't have my save file)

we didn't played it

you know you are at your lowest point of boredom when you play this


I never realized how much I appreciate the double jump mechanic in any game until I reached level 6

the day i got a green light for the first time felt like fucking christmas

remember kids, 595313131313131

Saliva si lees esto dame un besito

of all the games i have given a 5/5 on this site, this is the only one who actually deserves it

guys, never go to the discord server and watch the thread called
"Into the fire, Into Brazil, A journey into the infamous megaman comic (Completed)"

Easily the best graphic mod for any pc game existing, instead of just going "haha ai upscaling" they did some really crazy shit like going to the original places where capcom took pictures for the textures, AND THE RESULT LOOKS AMAZING. Try it out, it looks far better in real gameplay than in youtube videos!

i renamed the exe file of this shit as "the fanfic i made in my bed 9 years ago at 4AM"

it's not going to blow your mind but is still an ok collection, the remastered music (the in-game music, not Mythos) sounds really cool, and the dialogue censorship while it's annoying, it's not anything really serious, personally i recommend it over the GBA originals

i saw all this coming since we got the very first details about this... and OH GOD!

MGS1 has a REALLY bad input lag (on my experience, i never saw anyone talking about this so maybe it's just me :I) and has no analog support, something that the original game had with the dualshock controller, good job konami.
MGS3 is locked at 30 fps only on switch, we're all know the switch isn't as powerful as a modern PC or console, and i don't mind that too much (mainly because usually unlocking the framerate to old games breaks them, look at GTA San Andreas) my issue here is that meanwhile the HD collection for PS3/X360 runs at 60 fps with just a few issues on ps3, WHAT! (i don't know if MGS2 is locked too but that would be worse remembering that it runs at 60 fps on the original PS2).
There's no video options, i saw a lot of people saying that MGS1 looks blurry as hell and of course you can like that or not (i don't) but why not letting you choose having them or not! let players choose between watching every polygon of snake's butt, make you believe that you need glasses, or even CRT filters, CAPCOM DOES IT, IT'S NOT THAT HARD.
Can someone please explain me why the pc version requirements are actually higher than MGSV, a 2015 game, that thing it's just bad optimization, there's no excuse (and speaking about that, am i the only one who gets worse loading screens than on emulators?)

Maybe there's more to tell but probably my mind forgot about that to keep me mentally sane, the thing that most hurts me is that at this point we should forget about the vol. 2, which means MGS4 will be still trapped on PS3

Vapy si lees esto sacame de tu sotano, la araña que me acompañaba ya se murio