More and better of the same, yet, with half the impact the original had.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2023


9 months ago

True words. Why do you think it happened that way?

9 months ago

I wouldn't be able to guess. It's like everyone forgot it came out the same week it launched. It might just be happenstance, but I think a dishonored game in 2012 had a better chance to make a name for itself. The gaming market didn't have anything quite like it. In 2016 a game where you could choose to be aggresive and fight or be stealthy was way more of a convention. Apart from it's unique worldbuidling and visual style, it didn't really have anything fresh to offer. I played it 2 times in a row and still struggle to remember stuff about it. I can clearly summon imagery from the first one. Also by then Ubisoft and Sony had coined this stealth/combat formula and had begun to poison the triple AAA gaming designing philosophy. It just meant a lot less by then.