153 Reviews liked by AngelFlash

This is ostensibly a strategy RPG game, but you have barely any control over the battles since it's mostly automated. You just watch cute chibi anime girls shoot at evil anime girls and occasionally use a special skill when you get enough energy points or whatever.

The story is basically an isekai where some dude gets teleported to this world of cute anime girls (and robot and dog people too I guess?) who all carry guns but also are nearly impervious to bullets and can survive multiple gunshots. You're suddenly put in charge of these girls as their sensei for like 6 schools for some reason, and immediately every single want of them wants to be violently impregnated by your throbbing cock.

They all have their own little quirks and stories you unlock by increasing your relationship level with them, which is kind of weird because they're all your students and are between the ages of 15-18, but who cares the girls are all cute and I want to die by being suffocated in Asuna's cleavage.

Edit: I finally completed the main arc of the story after ignoring it forever, and I'm surprised by how well written this game is. Wasn't expecting that from what looks like a dumb booba game. Honestly, I think it deserves a slight bump up in score due to that.

It's still pretty mindless gameplay-wise, but it definitely has more heart to it than you'd expect a gacha game to have.

the last bastion of defense against the world getting overrun by mihoyo and nikke hentai

It's a terrible game, preys on the innate desire to gamble for .pngs of cute waifus.

Yet, there is something amazing about it. The plot, characterization really carry this game. From a writing perspective, the events and story missions touch on a multitude of themes, interactions, and really touching moments. What it means to save and destroy, what it means to sacrifice one self's self for the "greater good"?

they fucked up and gave this gacha some of the most heartfelt/emotional storytelling I've seen

gameplay isn't all that bad either, pretty fun when you're fighting bosses and low rarity units staying relevant is nice and kiiinda makes up for abyss rates.

playing it at a cinematic smooth 30 fps

What a wonderful fever dream of a game

Pioneer of mochi platformers




fun i played this at macys while my mom went shopping



bad game philosophy + really cringe payment system for support. community is also incredibly cringe and full of 15 year old redditors

> Play online game
> Win
> Feel nothing
> Lose
> Day ruined