Castlevania Legends is not a good game but for me to call it bad would be too harsh for me personally. While it has it's flaws and is ultimately unpolished for the standard of the series. There is still a decent game in here for me.

I think what hurts this game the most is just how easy it is, besides some of the awful enemy placement especially with bats, it's so easy to beat the game. If you can keep the projectile whip ability then you're golden for most of the game. I'm also surprised just how good the time stop is in this game.

There's also this burning mode where you move faster and are invincible. I'll be honest I only used it for bosses as it makes a lot of them a joke. You can get through most of the game fine without it. You also get additional abilities by beating bosses and that's a neat way of doing it. It's better than having nothing for the first GB game.

The game's level design a lot of the time feels like hallways and ropes. You guys like ropes? I like ropes, actually no I don't I lied sorry. But yeah it's nothing special and they oddly feel long. There's only 6 stages in the game if you count the hidden stage. There's also 5 items you need to find for the good ending but it's not much.

The game looks eh, nothing really impresses me too much. It does have SGB support at least but the border is really lame. The music is good though some of it is just tunes from previous games. Oddly the final boss theme is Vampire Killer of all things.

Castlevania Legends is the game seen as the embarrassment of the bunch which personally I wouldn't agree with it but along with that and some plot that kind of doesn't fit with the timeline, the game no longer is canon. It's a shame the game is the way it is, I could see it being good. It's still better than the first GB game though can't say for the 2nd because I haven't tried it. I can't really say I'd recommend this but hey I got some fun so I'm satisfied.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2022
