Well I'm finally here. The 5th and final time of playing the first Parodius game. This time for the Super Famicom. As per usual, go to my Arcade review of the game to see more of what I think of the actual game that isn't just version differences.

So they finally did it, they made a port where you actually get to play every stage in the game. So that must mean this is the best one right? Well...I hate to say it but it still has a bit of that frustration from the Arcade version. IDK why but some stages just gave me a bad time. But yes it is all here and there's even a new stage in the showers. You even get a special Omake stage similar to the Special stage from the PC Engine version.

The button problem has now been fully fixed and is even mappable so that's pretty cool. The game doesn't even have much slowdown or flicker though there can be slowdown at times. The music actually kind of disappointed me, it's not all bad but some of it is not very good in my opinion. I just expected better is all. At least the voice clips are here and this time don't sound too bad though sometimes they have delay to them which I find odd.

If you want something that is most accurate to the Arcade then this is your best bet here but for me despite missing stages, I still like the PC Engine version more and I'm probably in the minority. Though there is one change that I'm grateful for. YOU CAN TURN OFF THE ROULETTE! It felt so nice to never worry about that stupid dumb roulette showing up. It's still a good game at the end of the day but I do hope the sequels improve on this one.

Well guys and gals, that was all of them. "But what about the SharpX68000-" NOPE that was surely all of them. Yep. I'm gonna take a small break from this series but I'll be tackling the other games soon. It was fun despite the issues and maybe these reviews will motivate you to try all the ports out but probably not...

Rankings of the ports! (in my awful opinion as always)
1st - PC Engine
2nd - Super Famicom
3rd - Game Boy
4th - Famicom

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2023
