This game was unfortunately cancelled meaning I'm only able to review an unfinished version. Why was it cancelled? I'm not sure, I've read it was due to Sega having plans to make a CD add-on themselves and decided to axe this project from coming out. Despite it being unfinished though, I don't think the game is that fun.

The game plays a lot like Space Harrier. It encourages you to defeat as many enemies as you gain money which can be used at Weponalds. You can buy a lot here though by the end I was just buying health and barriers. You can also ask for a smile from the girl or even touch her boobs if you wanna be a pervert.

Now I've barely played Space harrier, the most experience I have is with Space Harrier II on the Mega Drive. I was not having fun with this because I swear it's way too hard to hit enemies and it goes way too fast to dodge stuff. I know this isn't a finished game but I doubt this would have been improved. Bosses also go by really fast.

The game looks alright and the music is good but there's very little of it and two of the songs don't even play correctly. There probably was more planned but sadly this is all we got which is a shame. Though I don't know why the level theme is from Space Harrier, shouldn't it be Fantasy Zone music? The ending also uses graphics that I think are a placeholder? I can't really tell though.

It's probably not fair to rate a game like this but I didn't really have much fun with it. Maybe these kind of games don't appeal to me on older systems, the limitations just feel like too much. It still is a worth a look if you're a Space Harrier or Fantasy Zone fan.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2023
