Spike games tend to get memed on a lot but I've been steadfast in my enjoyment of the games. Danganronpa and the Ai games have always engaged me so this was a must buy for me. And for the most part it lived up to my expectations.

I do think the gameplay is a step down from Danganronpa, there were a lot of empty walking sections and the mini games werent as fun as they either relied on quick time events or the sword mini game which feels like a step down from the truth bullet minigame from Danganronpa. It need improving but it did just enough to serve as a vessel for presenting the mysteries...

Speaking of the mysteries, they were just as fantastic as the other Spike games. These are some of the best written mysteries to witness in the business. Even the weakest one Chapter 3 was still fun and engaging to figure out. And chapter 5 gets NUTS with the revelations. The characters were some of my favorites too, I loved the detective cast as they felt well balanced and the final villain was easily the best written villain from Spike. They were peak. I didnt like Shinigami too much. She was funny but I didnt like the way she ruthlessly kills people without remorse so I found it hard to root for her. Maybe thats a me problem. Despite that I enjoyed the cast and the story as a whole. If you like the previous games you'd like this one too.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023
