Why do I enjoy this game? I have no clue... There are some universally agreed upon positives like the story which is really limited but well written with great characterisation of Sonic and Shahra in general just written incredibly well. Music is amazing, locations and creativity is on point.

Gameplay however is more contentious. Why would they make it so you control Sonic just by tilting the Wii mote? I have zero clue, it was a bad idea. Does it control bad for most people? Yes. For me? Weirdly no? Sonic's control to me are serviceable, moving backwards is slightly annoying but not too bad, controls felt 95% responsive, homing attacks always registered, catapults did etc. I just have no clue why my experience was good. The controls never got in the way besides Levitated Ruin's 2D sections.

Level design ranges from bad to quite good. Levitated Ruin sucks due to the awful wind blowing you back constantly but Evil Foundry legitimately fun due to the mix of automated sections and platforming.

The game's main issue to me is side content, it is very lazily designed, mostly easy, kinda boring, some are fun but most are mandatory padding.

Finally, the progression system, for some reason they designed it so Sonic is super slow at the start of the game, this isn't awful to me, but levels are way more fun when you are highly levelled up.

Thats why, I like this game when I just come back to it casually and replay the main levels with a blazing fast Sonic.

So in conclusion I'm a moron lmfao

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2021
