This was in my opinion, a fantastic transition into 3D, which is funny since it's a meme that it's the opposite for some reason. 5/6 playstyles are good.

Sonics campaign is obviously the best since there are the most levels in the game that are pretty big, level design is mostly open ended and fun, and Sonic controls amazingly, platforming is tight.

Tail's campaign is also great, it's very easy since you fly over most of the platforming, but it's fun to take short cuts, easy but very fun.

Knuckle's missions are good because the levels are super small and compact, and the radar is actually not shit like SA2. The Knuckles missions are short and sweet.

Gamma's levels are very short, but platforming feels very responsive and smooth, and killing enemies feels good. Very easy but not bad.

Amy's missions are hated. But imo, I think they are fun, she's a lot slower, but still controls very well, platforming feels tight. Only complaint is the small amount of puzzles and her acceleration could be improved.

Big just sucks but I blasted through it in 15 minutes so it's whatever.

The story is good for the time, the visuals and voice acting hold it back, but the actual character arcs for characters is well written, and the story of Chao's tragedy is pretty interesting tale of how power corrupts yadda yadda.

This game has aged, but it's still a blast, camera could be better, voice acting could be better, but overall, I had fun. Also apply the dream cast patch to make the graphics not look like shit.

Sega, remake this game I would pay so much.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2021
