I think this game was solid overall. It never blew me away with it's combat or story. But it was good.

The combat feels incredibly basic for most of the game, not terrible but it's mindless for most fights. The combat peaks in the final dungeon when the enemies get harder and you have all your party members.

Story wise, it was also solid. The world building and character interactions are great. But I was never blown away by any big plot revelations (besides the ending sorta) and characters dont go through any significant growth or development.

A lot of the game felt like "filler" with bits of importance I guess? It's not "bad" by all means, it's mostly enjoyable. But each arc feels super self contained. Everything does connect really well in the end though.

Music wise, it's good, the art style is charming. And as I hinted at before the ending and cliffhanger were fantastic, so I'm glad I played this because I am interested to see where future games go.

I'll be playing SC relatively soon so stay tuned for my thoughts on that eventually :)

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2022
