This game is controversial in a lot of ways. A lot hate it, I went into it with an open mind and honestly I dont get why people despise this game so much. I get a lot of the hate comes from the Scholar version but for the most part the original vision seems really engaging to me. Sure adaptability is annoying early game but I knew to invest in that, I can see this game being a hellish experience if you dont level that up so I would understand a person hating this game if they didnt level it up.

I found the areas and normal enemy encounters super engaging. This game does multi enemy fights really well, it thrives at it. Normally in a Souls game I would ignore most basic enemies as they dont feel very fun to fight besides Sekiro but here for the most part I tackled a lot of them. There were some HORRIBLE areas like the Shrine of Amana, but tbh most FromSoft games have that area I despise like the Rot Lake from Elden Ring or the Farum Keep from DS3.

While boss fights are on the easier side, I still found them to be super engaging and satisfying, they have a lot of humanoid knight bosses which I enjoy fighting. They also do a lot of multi enemy boss fights which I hate normally but here I liked them a lot. Like the Ruin Sentinels or the Throne Watchers.

I did the DLC which I've reviewed but to keep it brief I enjoyed them a lot besides the Sunken King. As for the story like all other Fromsoft games I didnt care one bit about the world or characters, I did enjoy their company but as for the lore and stuff, I didnt care at all. These stories will never be for me, and thats fine.

If there is one thing to take away from this review, avoid Scholar like the plague and play the original vision that was meant to be a fair and balanced experience. Only play Scholar after this version.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2023
