Hey, so I guess this is my first backloggd review.

This game was truly breathtaking. It's rare for an open world game to have a story that flows this well. Because often with the freedom of an open world game comes the downside that the player could be lost in the world and forgets about the main story of the game. I know some people think that's what the fun is about in open world games but I prefer a more focussed story. Seriously, this story was better paced than most linear games I've played.
But yeah the gameplay itself is nothing too special, but that's not really the point of this game either. Most of the time you're just walking around looking for things, doing simple chores, which sounds boring, but it are the things that happen while you're traversing this beautiful world that make it interesting.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2024


5 months ago

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