25 Reviews liked by AnitaLobotomy

when i first learned of this creature i was slightly repulsed. as time passed he has become my friend. half of the fun of fin fin is learning about the insane rabbit hole of fin fin content. he was designed by osamu tezuka's son. there was a promotion involving a fin fin themed car. him and his wife (yes, wife) cannot die but his child can if he eats poisonous berries. the soundtrack is also way too good than it has the right to be. i love fin fin very much. he's a curiosity of the ages. he's also very cute when you stare at his weird face long enough

i wont lie i got caught by Catherine on purpose a couple times

bitch i bought it and 2 weeks later it was free to play fck this game bruh

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I'm not sure anything has sobered me up from tender tears more than "made by daddysucc5000" at the end credits

Every year since 2013, a French charitable event called "Desert Bus de l'espoir" (Desert Bus of hope) is held in order to receive donations for the Petit Prince association that finances dreams of children suffering from terminal illness. In 2022, over 70 609€ were collected.

While it would be easy to make fun of the "haha bus bad" game without taking into consideration the story behind its existence, I just really wanted to point out how something originally made as a piece of satire and novelty against the assumption that video games were too violent turned into such a symbol of support and empathy.

Lost many a nut to this one. This game is not good, it’s just here for a good time. 🥴

You used to call me on my shell phone

This game is not as good as the first game but is much better than the second game. I still loved this game, the story was really strong. The relationship between McGuffin and Lucius in this game was very heartwarming and one of the strongest aspects of Lucius lll. I really loved the ending and biblical allusions and references in this game especially with the four horsemen of the apocalypse and everything.