Before Breath of the Wild came along, this was my favourite Zelda game. Back then, this often made me feel like the odd one out but these days, it's a lot more common to find people who enjoy this game.

Idk why, but the motion controls are just enjoyable to me. Yes, they sometimes make me yell at the screen, but I feel like it works a lot more often than most people say. I also liked the linearity of the different areas. It's as if the entire overworld is a dungeon this time around. Speaking of dungeons, those are great here as well. Think of the sand ship or the water temple (which is actually a lot of fun in this Zelda game, weird, I know).

And the art style, it's so gorgeous! Everything looks like a painting and the game aged incredibly well because of it. Skyward Sword is also the first Zelda game with a fully orchestrated soundtrack, if I remember correctly, which is just a perfect match for this franchise.

I could go on for a lot longer about what I love about Skyward Sword, like the characters, the atmosphere, the premise that Zelda is Link's girlfriend now, the game's setting in the beginning of the timeline etc etc...

Reviewed on May 23, 2023
