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10 days ago

Anon reviewed Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
fairly solid hack'n slash, satisfying lightsaber combat, the freedom that they give you to use these Force powers is pretty cool as well, the best aspect of this game though is definitely the technology behind it, the fact that nearly everything can be destroyed and pushed is awesome. enemy AI is also quite advanced, trying to stay up after getting pushed, dodging objects thrown at them or grabbing to save themselves from an long fall, nearly every time that you interact with an enemy their reaction is always different, I miss when games had this focus on cutting-edge technology that goes along with the game design.

the rest is kinda meh, the story is entertaining but the writing is nothing special not to mention the short length of it, the animations and overall polish are both janky as hell, huge amount of technical issues too, the PC port is capped at 30 FPS but that can be fixed very easily even though it does bring issues related to physics and audio if you try to up the framerate. focusing their efforts to make the technology work within the game meant a huge lack of polish in most of the other areas most likely.

overall I still had fun even with those issues, the gameplay is entertaining and dynamic enough to warrant an playthrough.

11 days ago

Anon completed Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
fairly solid hack'n slash, satisfying lightsaber combat, the freedom that they give you to use these Force powers is pretty cool as well, the best aspect of this game though is definitely the technology behind it, the fact that nearly everything can be destroyed and pushed is awesome. enemy AI is also quite advanced, trying to stay up after getting pushed, dodging objects thrown at them or grabbing to save themselves from an long fall, nearly every time that you interact with an enemy their reaction is always different, I miss when games had this focus on cutting-edge technology that goes along with the game design.

the rest is kinda meh, the story is entertaining but the writing is nothing special not to mention the short length of it, the animations and overall polish are both janky as hell, huge amount of technical issues too, the PC port is capped at 30 FPS but that can be fixed very easily even though it does bring issues related to physics and audio if you try to up the framerate. focusing their efforts to make the technology work within the game meant a huge lack of polish in most of the other areas most likely.

overall I still had fun even with those issues, the gameplay is entertaining and dynamic enough to warrant an playthrough.

11 days ago

Anon completed Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
the best playing Metal Gear game by far, the controls and animations are incredibly smooth and satisfying, every action that Snake can pull off is impactful and easy to do no matter how complicated it might sound, the amount of gadgets to use and the overall sandbox is also pretty fantastic, the Fulton System is an great idea, I love that the AI is also adaptative to your actions, changing their tactics on each encounter. the gun combat is also very flexible and exciting now, no longer I had the urge to restart an encounter after being detected like in the previous games.

the presentation is still excellent, great visuals for an 2015 game, sure things like textures and the overall geometry of the enviroment might not be that impressive anymore but the character models and optimization is definitely wizardry.

unfortunely the rest is marred down by game design issues and overall lack of direction likely because of time constraints, I don't think going open-world was the right move for the fifth Metal Gear game, both Afghanisthan and Africa are incredibly empty and just lack any personality to make these maps stand out, every mission in this game is also the same beginning to end, either go to an location to rescue an target, destroy vehicles or elimination missions.

the Mother Base hub is also pretty undercooked, there is basically no reason to ever go back to it, you can manage everything directly through the iDroid just fine and the only reward for getting back are random cutscenes that lasts 1 minute at best. the fact that they included timers akin to contemporary mobile games is incredibly annoying, I just love to wait for nearly an hour for every equipment or platform I choose to craft and for some reason this time doesn't pass if you turn off the game, grinding out soldiers or resources to make the best equipment during the mid to late game stages was also rough.

I don't think that the story is bad like many people point it out to be, I enjoy the characters and some of the moments are the strongest this series had seen but I can't deny that the story is non-existent for an good portion of the game, the fact that they hide important story details behind casette tapes is enfuriating, I missed the long cutscenes too, I know people tends to dislike them but I think they were an nice way to break up the pacing a bit with all that extra explanations and plot ploints. there are story arcs missing from the game, Chapter 2 is almost exclusively composed of repeated missions that you just got through but with extra modifiers, there is basically 2 missions in the entirely of that chapter that actually matter to the storyline and 1 mission that got removed before getting completed that would have solved an leftover story arc and offer a more satisfying ending.

overall this is still an good game, fantastic gameplay mechanics and there is fun to be had, excellent visuals and optimization. the characters are great and some of the moments are some of the best in the series even though the story is certainly incomplete. game design shortcomings in the form of the Mother Base, mission design and the overall open-world makes it difficult to go back and play this game again, it's an excellent stealth game even with these shortcomings and I think it's worth playing it if you enjoy this type of game.

12 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

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