returned to the game and managed to play through some hunts with an friend during the "Return to World" event promoted by Capcom, still an freaking blast, excellent combat, incredibly varied and well designed cast of monsters, great visuals (although I don't really enjoy the art direction that much).

I still don't enjoy the mandatory tenderizing mechanic that was introduced in the Iceborne expansion, the Clutch Claw gimmick is pretty interesting on paper but if we are talking about execution in the other hand... the combat does turn repetitive and it doesn't take MH's combat to new heights in terms of freedom or mechanical expression. the obligatory story with it's unskippable cutscenes doens't really fit with this franchise as well which makes playing multiplayer with newcomers an pain in the ass, I still love the game for introducing me to Monster Hunter though.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
