pretty inventive and straight to point finale, incredibly fun gameplay loop, the addition of stealth kills and the more urban enviroment fits very nicely into Prince of Persia, interesting variety too ranging from carriage races or the addition of an transformation for the Prince which brings even more spice to the gameplay, the tight pacing and narrative are also great changes of pace after Warrior Within that felt lacking on those departments.

unfortunely the game still lacks a bit of polish and I dunno if it was the engine being old or because Ubisoft had only an year to develop this, the visuals are still very dry just like Warrior Within, weird animations especially on cutscenes, sound design is awful and the PC version has lots of different problems which can thankfully be solved by implementing fan-made fixes.

overall an gem on the overaching array of the PS2's incredibly rich library, everything is really solid and consistently fun to play.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
