pretty serviciable ARPG, good combat and classes to choose, great visuals, after Diablo 3's more lighthearted tone and aesthetics this one felt really refreshing and somewhat reminscent of the first two Diablo games, the narrative also saw some substantial improvements.

unfortunely I am not an huge fan of the open-world structure, the world is not interesting visually-wise and clearing same-y dungeons and grind side missions gets a bit old after a while, Diablo in nature can be very repetitive and having to traverse huge distances especially before getting an mount (which by itself takes a little while to get) is tiresome.

the game's live service natures also leaves a lot to be desired especially for people who are seeking to playing this for an long time, updates just makes everything worse and Blizzard doesn't even try to fix some of the game's issues, the microtransactions are also very aggressive.

overall it's an good time, fun combat when played in bursts and really good visuals/narrative, I would say to play this strictly for the campaign.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
