very unique single-player horror game, unsettling atmosphere, strong sound design, the survival horror gameplay works really well with some painful decision making regarding it's inventory system which will please or annoy certain players, I am in the boat that enjoy it especially the dual wielding system.

the combat system works fine although it can be unsatisfying sometimes especially regarding it's melee combat, there is an severe lack of feedback and hit detection which can be frustating when taking down enemies.

in terms of visuals, Cry of Fear is an very gorgeous game considering the engine this has been built, the team used the GoldSrc engine which was first used on the first Half-Life, it's an night and day difference when comparing these two games in regards to it's lighting and other visual effects.

the animations are also pretty damn good, weapons are very well animated and the main character is very expressive on his moves, the cutscenes and monsters's movements in the other hand are not that great but for an mod it gets the job done.

overall Cry of Fear is an good time for those looking for an unsettling and scary horror game, the gameplay can be clumsy and janky sometimes but there is a lot to like here, anyone can pick this up and play since it is available for free on Steam and it doesn't require any other games to be playable, for an free to play game there is a lot of quality in here and is on par with the best in the genre if we are comparing survival horror games.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2024
