The City builder and Rougelike sections play along nicely and benefit each other in a way where you'll always spend time focusing on each back and forth without any neglect of the other.
I do think the city builder part of the game is a lot more developed and the rouge-like sections are quite basic and leaves a lot to be desired.
The different weapons aren't great and i always see myself trying to actively avoid some. Combat also suffers from everything being 2D cutouts which makes measuring hit-boxes during combat way too difficult and your only consistent defensive option ends up being the dodge roll with spacing being such an inconsistent option.

I also don't like the art-style since everything has this annoying vibe giving off something failing to be cute.
Babies making adult noises when u interact with them is also really jarring.

I've been very negative but that's cause i like everything I haven't mentioned and generally think this game was fun and addicting.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2024
