Pseudoregalia is an extremely solid 3D metroidvania platformer. Moving around in this game just feels good, no butts about it. The way you steadily acquire movement options over the course of the game, progression aside, allows you to get used to the moves as you obtain them. The game is very approachable, but also has many chances for the player to express skill and mastery over it. The aesthetic is peak, I love the character and sound design, my only wish in this regard is for a little more enemy variety. In addition, the combat is a little bare bones, and enemies hardly pose a threat. The story is extremely sparse, cute npc dialogue and interactable texts are sprinkled throughout. Navigation can be a teensy bit headache inducing, but once they add a map like they plan to that problem should hopefully be alleviated. All in all, this is a short, very enjoyable experience that I think is easily worth the price tag.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

so true !!