I feel wrong for not liking this game, but it just didn't really click for me. The opening is really strong and had me legitimately scared for awhile. The puzzles involving the use of the powers were fun and were a good way to integrate the tutorials into gameplay. But as soon as I got past that first area the magic kinda went away. The setting is still really cool, and the political themes are at least somewhat intriguing. Audio logs are littered everywhere and I can't help but feel like the interesting stuff has already happened and the game can only tell me but not really show me. The movement feels stiff and sluggish, like I just have to eat hits with no advanced movement or cover system. Sound design is potent, gunplay would have good impact but a lot of the enemies and especially bosses are huge bullet sponges. The Plasmid system - while neat - can feel cumbersome and almost tacked on as a bandaid for the shooting system. There's some real potential in these systems for depth later on, but I just wasn't hooked. A lot of fights feel like they boil down to simply trading bullets and healing. The different weapons only seem to provide choice in preference and special ammo types, but they're all pretty similar. I enjoyed the melee combat so much more than the gunplay that I ended up with max eve and ammo for most of what I played. Lastly, I was kinda surprised they just let you, and actually encourage you to kill Big Daddies so early on. I was expecting them to be more imposing, but they're kinda just big health bars with easily abused ai. I don't want to dislike this game, and I think it has some good things going for it. The music and atmosphere is the one thing I really loved, it's super unique and interesting - I just wish I liked the gameplay more. I can definitely understand how someone experiencing a lot of these things for the first time could look back on this game really fondly. Maybe I'll come back to it at some point, but for now it's just not for me it seems.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
