Over the past 10 years, people have began to re-evaluate this game, and rightly so. There's the famous story about programmers of the game getting a bonus if it got a metacritic score of 85 or above, however it ended up with 84. To me this is wild. A score less than Soul Caliber 4 and Far Cry 2. Playing it in 2023 I fell in love with it yet again, and for me it's one of the best games on the console. For the unitiated, this is a first person role playing game mixed with an FPS. The game utilises the VATS system, which stops time and lets you target enemies, making it a lot more accessible to those who struggle with shooting on consoles. It plays very similarly to the fallout 3, walk around the incredible environment, complete quests given out by the people you meet, explore the unknown, shoot, stab, explode enemies. The gameplay is fun and varied and the world is just so fun to explore. You can walk around for hours meeting interesting people and weird funny situations. Where this game really excels, especially compared to fallout 3, is the story and dialogue. Fallout 3's main story line was very simple and to be honest a bit bland. New Vegas's on the other hand is a rollercoaster of excitement, filled with wacky characters and different routes you can take. The dialouge show improvement too. You care about the story behind side quests and actually want to know what is going on instead of blindly following waypoints. Who doesn't enjoy helping irradiated zombies leave earth to live in the stars? All of this harks back to the (imo) best fallout games, fallout 1 and 2. For that reason, New Vegas is better than 3 and one of the best games on the console period.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2023
