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February 14, 2024

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It's nice when something this old holds up to the hype. It is, quite simply, a masterclass in puzzle game design.

Myst is a game where you just start and have a whole island to explore. There are locales and objects of intrigue spread around waiting to be discovered and tinkered with. Near where you start is a single piece of paper with instructions on how to start but after that it just has you go off. The more you delve into things are examine the details, the more things become clear and thus the more you get out of it.

The puzzles are almost all linked to the environments. Something in an area will link to something else and you have to work out how in order to solve their challenge. It can be kinda tricky because you have to note how things change and that can sometimes come in the form of sounds too. It's been a long time since I played a game where sound was an integral part of the gameplay and its utilized excellently here.

The core of the plot is that there are two men stuck inside of books and you need to find pages of their books in other worlds and bring them back to free them. It's simple enough at first but as you play you learn more about them and their relation to each other as well as world building around them. It all plays out decently well. Definitely more to it than I thought but not like a super robust or deep story. It does end pretty intensely though for what it is and I enjoyed it.

Core gameplay is basically examining the base island you start on, finding out how to go to another world, and then finding your way back to the main island while gathering a page for one of the men. Each world is itself the puzzle and they all have unique themes that play into what you do to solve them. It's all very well put together.

Myst is a fantastic environmental puzzle game with some old school jank like point and click to move around and hilarious tiny FMV scenes but those things give it its charm. I also had an old time-y game thing where I lost all my progress because I forgot to manual save during the part that I've found out is infamously annoying to most but even I didn't find it to be that bad. Ultimately it's a strong puzzle game and probably one of my favorites ever. Recommended to anyone who enjoys solving puzzles.