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Time Played

15h 3m

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Myth II: Soulblighter takes every piece of Myth: The Fallen Lords and expands upon it, creating an epic carnage-fuelled real-time tactics game. Get it running with the Project Magma patch and bask in those modern resolutions.

Content wise, Soulblighter adds an absolute plethora of units, curious level gimmicks, a handful of quality of life improvements and a graphics upgrade all in a solid twenty-four level campaign. It's a general step up in difficulty from the first game, but notably feels a lot more fair, thanks to your more accurate ranged units, more special abilities to make use of, and general improvements to pathfinding.

Of course, Myth's signature gore and carnage remains, so blowing up a huge wave of enemies feels distinctively gratifying with ash and bone spread amongst the battlefield. That action is definitely the foreground to the story, which definitely felt pretty dang great (and for those in the rabbit hole, yes, there's lots to look at there).

Still, there's some pain points. Sometimes it feels like when I give orders to my units they don't quite listen, pathfinding is still pretty rough, and some levels felt a bit more gruelling than what might've been intended. Also like, the magic item in the second-last mission kinda came out of nowhere? Would've been cool to have a mission to recover it.

8/10 - I will wait nine-hundred and forty years for my units to line up right.