The combination of rhythm game and twin-stick shooter is a great idea, and the game plays well and looks great. The OST is amazing, with songs ranging from R&B, over Classical, to EMD and Rock, so there is something for everyone here.

However, it is unacceptable that - in certain songs - the metronome is wrong. It's a rhythm game, that's the one thing that you need to get right!

That's why while going for Multiplatinum, where you have to beat all stages on the highest difficulty doing all actions perfectly on-beat and whithout taking damage, I had to lower the music volume and have the metronome very loud, so that I could hear when it would go off-sync.
On Playstation, we didn't get the balance patch that released on steam, so doing Multiplatinum requires you to play with a specific character and kill everything with her special weapon, as regular weapons don't deal enough damage and stages can't be completed in time. That's a shame.

Very fun roguelite that allows for different playstyles but always makes sure to put action and speed in the foreground.
I really like the visuals and references to other classic games that can be scattered around the world. The different biomes all feel unique, and I like the many options you have to progress through the game.

The game is initially hard to complete but will click after a while, especially once you have unlocked weapons you enjoy playing with. However, 4 and 5 Boss Cells is, in my opinion, a bit too punishing.

The game added tons of DLC since release, with varying quality.

Great action game, in which you don't just want to defeat your enemies, you want to butcher them with style.

Amazing soundtrack and gameplay, with lots of humorous moments despite the tragic setting, three very different playable characters and great enemy and boss variety.

However, the levels all feel very similar in terms of design, and I still don't understand why S-ranks don't stack accross difficulties. I had to play through the game 8 times (6 regular playthroughs on different difficulties, 1 playthrough with Vergil, 1 on Legendary Dark Knight) and by the end I felt a bit burned out. Then 4 clears of the Bloody Palace...

Garbage. While it is a nice idea to be able to customize your fighter, now you have a fighting game that doesn't feel good to play and is additionally infested with lootboxes.

And you can let AI fight for you? Why?

Short but sweet rhythm game. Working your way up from Easy to Insane makes for a nice and satisfying learning curve. Beating all levels on Insane was not too difficult, but was still very fun.

Fantastic game with a strong focus on speedrunning and a very unique "card" mechanic that allows to find creative ways to clear a level successfully.

Going for all Ace medals was incredibly fun, as were most Heaven and Hell Rushes. However, White's and Mikey's Hell Rush were a bit on the long side for my taste.

Nice take on a very well known concept. I can imagine the game being quite fun for casual couch-coop sessions thanks to the RNG and chaos, however the single player mode is fairly straightforward (with the exception of 2-3 trials that can be quite a pain).

Cute game with a funny overarching story but very simple gameplay. Understandable, since it is originally a mobile game that was ported to consoles, and thus the controls are very simple.

Levels flow nicely and feel great to speedrun. And despite each level on its own being very easy to complete, finishing a Hardcore run took a couple of attempts, as every run takes roughly 45 minutes and staying focused was not always easy (and losing a deep run meant having to play again through the first really boring half of the run).

Surprisingly fun despite the unintuitive controls that require some getting used to.
What I didn't enjoy, at least when going for A++ rankings, was the randomness of the corridor surgeries (sometimes you'll be waiting a long time for the required tools, and you cannot do anything but wait), and the ambulance. Fuck that driver.

Hectic and fast-paced pixel-art 2D shooter that is quite short and doesn't overstay its welcome.

However, some of the optional objectives in each level are pretty obscure. Completing all objectives in the final level made me rage a bit.

Fairly good dungeon crawler. Gameplay is great, and being able to jump, as trivial as it sounds, was surprisingly satisfying.
There are many different builds and playstyles that you can play around with, though getting specific gear is a bit of a pain. I really enjoyed the system with the Destiny Cards.

Completing all Normal & Elite challenges in the base game and both DLCs was really time consuming, but was fun for the most part.

I really wished I could say I enjoyed this game, but it doesn't have much going for it. The level design is fine (though nothing spectacular) and gameplay is - in principle - fine (you can choose different characters that all feel very different to play). But the game is just buggy as hell.

For example, whenever you dash over a tile-transition or edge, you are shot up at a very high speed. In certain situations, you'll hit the ceiling or red block and die.
This bug alone made many levels impossible to play the intended way, forcing you to find alternative solutions.

Beating all trophy times was somewhat fun.

Fast-paced 2D shooter that throws some on-foot sections into the mix. The game controls well, which is important as getting perfect medals in all level requires navigating the levels at a very high pace, all while opening gates and defeating enemies.

The DLCs are a nice addition, even though controlling two mirrowed ships needed some getting used to.

Very cute puzzle platformer. The platforming itself needs some getting used to, as the air controls and momentum physics are quite unique.
I like what they did with the story and how the game becomes more "modern" (no spoilers) as you advance the plot.

The Challenge Room death run, consisting of all challenge rooms back to back with five lives each, was no joke to complete, but really fun to go for.

Oh boy... I adored the original SMB, so playing the sequel was a no-brainer. Edmund's absence is felt immediately, and does the game absolutely no favors.

The game looks gorgeous, but that's about it. The "random" level generation is a completely unecessary feature and results in a lonely experience, where SMB was a game that you could discuss in a community, finding strategies for deathless runs.

The difficulty curve is also all over the place. All light worlds are piss easy, the jump to any dark world is steep, and the curve stays flat for all dark worlds. It feels terrible.

Completing all dark wolds deathless was really difficult, and not in a fun way at all. I am incredibly disappointed.