Another hidden gem on the N64. This mission-based platformers is pretty engrossing. You play as this electronic spider that can possess other electronic animals on this planet. Each level throws you into a space where you have to complete multiple objectives. I love the humour; it's dry, witty, and super British. My favourite animals to control are the vultures, elephants, laughing hyenas, and penguins. Best world is probably the snow world, but the jungle has some great puzzle solving as well. The final world, the desert, is the weakest and at this point the gameplay is less enjoyable. The level design in the desert feels rushed and less inspired than the rest of the game. The bonus stages are horrendous. Screw that goddamn flying level and the shooting gallery. Those levels are true patience-testers. I like the music and I love how it's diegetic. There are speakers throughout the stages, so you know where the music is coming from. I love the collect-a-thon aspect, particularly figuring out how to get the trophies. The bonus level for collecting all the trophies is underwhelming though. Highly recommend playing this quirky game if you're into platformers.

Best Parts:
• Most of the snow levels
• The mission where you destroy all the speakers
• King Rat mission
• The design of the sheep

Replay It? - Yes

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2022
