A massive downgrade in terms of combat when compared to the original F.E.A.R. , no corner peeking despite enemies being able to peek is just bad design when confronting enemies.
The enemies themselves are at most kinda bland, but also really really tanky for some with no good reason, dragging on fights longer than they should, coupled with their weapons that will melt you.
The game also in this day and age can be incredibly unstable and buggy, barring from a seamless experience, especially towards the end.

However, there is a lot of good to this game. The horror visuals and effects are incredible, and really compliment what the first game did really well. The story also seamlessly takes place at the same time as the first game, which not only gives a sense of familiarity, but an idea of what is to come and expect.
Level design is also pretty cool, featuring much more detailed and varied environments, but still keeping the theme of the old game.
There is also a nice selecting of weapons, all having their own use and reason to be present in the given scenario.
Also the Powered Armour sections are fun as hell, love me mechs.

A very middling game to me, but I think majority will enjoy this title anyway.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
