Premise? Frankly, no clue.
Gameplay? Fun deathmatch games that can be played in mp or solo, and are horribly balanced, especially against AI with their laser accuracy with guns.
You choose loadouts of different weapons and equipment that all affect what you can do during a game, with plenty variety.
Pitbulls have mauled me several times.
Maps all thematically fit well but their design ain't too crazily detailed, but do set the tone and theme well still.
Pretty good, scuffed, mod, but not something you'd play for a long time.

The tense atmosphere created whilst playing is an atmosphere very little games ever achieve. Coupling its upbeat music that contrats with its bleak colouring and and environment, it all really helps put the player on edge.
The use of items to help aid in winning keeps each playthrough and run of the game unique and fun, knowing that each encounter with the dealer means you'll always face different arsenals of tools that can reverse tide on each side.
I would give it five stars, but unfortunately the AI can be a little retarded. Of course you don't want an AI that just wins all the time, scanning the content of the reciever, but for a game all about chance, it tends to feel more in the players favour than the dealer.

It's definitely an interesting one. Ive played plenty of Fgs in my time, but this game, without looking at some wiki, I for the life of me cannot get an idea how to do elaborate combos, the best I can do is just string all three normals and then maybe some special. Pretty damn jank but honestly, still really fun to play.
The cast of character comprises from a wild selection of Visual Novels, so it's another one of many Visual Novel Fgs, which I love to play.
All around a pretty solid fighter, but does pale to majority of the more modern experiences you can get with other Fgs.

One hell of a title, but it's Darkstalkers, so cannot complain.
Good stuff!

Fun, but not as fun as its predecessor.

It does take some time to get used to the controls, but other than that a really fun fighting game. The visuals and music are incredibly strong, and the gameplay is smooth and reactive. Some characters do pale compared to others, so balancing is a little iffy, but honestly damn good game.

Obs a canned Star Wars game, but honestly a whole lot of fun. Would love to see a modern remake for the game.
Had a very varied cast in terms of designs and tool kit, the stages, whilst some are pretty hard to see in due to being dark, had nice visuals.

Takes some work to get it running well on modern systems, but other than that, a pretty bog standard turret shooter game, where I think all enemies have predefined routes, so it becomes stale very quickly.

The concept of the game is great, and with the limitations of the dreamcast, plays servicebly well. However it is pretty short in terms of gameplay.
It has a fun VS mode where you can play with a buddy, but in this scenario I would probably rather want to play a later Armored Core game that has a bit more meat to its bone.

It can be a little glitchy and stubborn with its movement, but aside from that, it's a very enjoyable timeloop game, requiring you to be manage your day well as you'll miss key events even if you're a minute late.
Plus it's free!

It's a massive shame that this game is unfinished as it honestly has potential.
Can't say too much, but whilst the levels and some characters feel incomplete, they already are quite fun to play around with, especially in the large fighting stages (that are pretty barren in terms of art) that the game has. Combat feels good and there are already quite a varied number of moves.
Shame it's unfinished, could have banged.

A bog standard 3D fighter. Does nothing special aside from being jank as hell. Feels like half my hits never connect when they should.
When you hits do land and you get a good string off, or you parry and convert from that, then the game feels great, but other than that it's mostly an awkward shuffle around the ring.
Has Arcade, VS mode and some other modes, but they all play the same to no surprise, so meh, a whatever game.

As the description suggests, this is a quote on quote enhanced famicon port to the Saturn console.
Yet it doesn't feel like anything's changed....
There are a couple new characters, but that's about it?
It is still incredibly stiff, with janky animations that are choppy, all of which have frame data up the whazoo, leaving only incredibly disjointed and weird fights.
Art style still carries but man what a weird mess...

Art style is great, but that's all the great you're gonna get out of this game.
Whilst combos are possible, it has incredibly snail-pace movement and weird attacks for its small cast of characters, but what tops it all off are the perplexing animations. They're incredibly choppy and abrupt, making it feel like you're characters are having an epileptic fit when just standing or doing a lackluster attack.
Attacks also just feel wrong in this game, they feel like they have no recovery, yet are always out active. You can jump and do an air attack and it will stay out until you land, which is crazy.
An odd ball of a game, but hey with some friends, its a good laugh for 20 minutes before painfully switching off.


Series should have stuck to 2D as it becoming a 3D did not translate well.
The visuals aren't good, especially those of the stage and the background, where they look like they were made in some stock OS modelling program with little effort.
Combat is incredibly stiff and janky, where fighting is basically just jabbing the opponent until they die or time runs out, it isn't good.
The music is serviceable, it's nice but it isn't anything crazy good.
The only real highlight are the character 2D sprites when you see them in the intro and that's it.