I really don't know what all to say about this game. This game is just super super boring. I honestly can't remember anything from the story other than the dude at the start enslaving the navi for years. The gameplay is also just really boring as the gunplay kinda sucks and its almost impossible to miss your shots in this game. The Food system is also just really pointless. I will say the voice acting is good, I didn't encounter any performance issues, I didn't have to many bugs through my playthrough. Only bugs I had was a dude sitting mid air, getting launched at mach-12 speeds about 3 times, and some textures sometimes failing to load. I just thing this games mid not worth your time or money.

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This game is fucking horrible and I will explain why. My First and biggest issue with the game is the gaslighting. This game has a suicidal character who at the end of the game is threatening to jump off the roof of the school because she is getting bullied however she's really only mentioned in the first episode of the game very briefly and when you back into chapter 5 the game expects you to remember every little detail about her character who we barely fucking learned about and if you get the question she asked you wrong she jumps off the roof and the game expects you to feel bad but we know fucking nothing about her I just can't stand the fucking gaslighting into liking her as a character when quite frankly she's just a plot device there to pan the game out. Thats just the first of my many issues with this game the 2nd biggest issue I have is that the dialogue is horrible, I won't go into to much detail on this game but some such examples in Victoria in c1 saying " Go fuck your selfie" but that's all I'm gonna go into that other wise this review would be far longer than it already is. Lets talk about the story of the game now. This game starts with out main character "maxiene Caulfield" getting time power and its also never explained where she gets these powers from. These powers are incredibly convenient to the plot as sometimes these powers just activate and sometimes they just go away almost as if they never existed. Max can also sometimes just go back in time by staring at photos which very conveniently only works on some photos. Max is also just a super boring character who only usually spits random pop culture references as well as just always doing internal expositions. Max also when talking to characters has the option to chose what option she will say. These options are suppose to have an effect on the story and the ending (They Don't). The End of the game is caused by either pressing x or b at the end of c5 and thats it. These options you chose wrong that are suppose to make character hate you don't matter worth a dam thing cause you can just rewind time until you get the question right so what's the fucking point of acting like these options make a difference. Now that I have my biggest issues with the game discussed lets talk about some of my positives with this game. The soundtrack is alright, It fits the tone of the game and is overall pretty relaxing and while its not absolute bangers it does the job well enough. I also liked David's redemption arc at the end of the game. Through the whole game I viewed David as more of a cartoon villain who I half expected Spider-Man to come and fight but he actually does redeem himself with a pretty well written apology in the final chapter of the game. I also think the idea of the game is pretty good even if I really hate the execution of how it was done. Now lets finally close out this review with my final negative of the game that I'll talk about this games final chapter is one of the worst in all of gaming. This games final chapter is suppose to be a huge plot twist consisting on David's apology, Maxs teacher actually being a serial killer but its all done so poorly and its also not at all a plot twist as this shit was all obvious from the start of the game. Max also has a panic episode where she has to sneak around her own allusions of her mind but its done so horribly. This final chapter of the game is pretty much a ripoff of batman Arkham Asylum, evangelion, and Silent hill 3. Also fun fact this game is so shit that Mr. Jefferson's fucking accent changes when he kidnaps you at the end of the game. Also during this sequence max looks through a photo which brings her to the start of the game and texts Rachels stepdad that Jefferson was guilty leading to max being a famous photographer. Even though we switched reality we also somehow didn't as Chloe still somehow knows we had a vision of the tornado and tells us it was true. Max now goes back in time again to where Mr. Jefferson kidnapped her and now David comes and beats up Mr. Jefferson meaning the text we sent in the other time line Is still somehow canonical. Yeah david might have suspected Mr Jefferson through the game but not to the extent thats HES A FUCKING SERIAL KILLER. After going through the horrible section where all the typical tropes are stolen from other games such as silent hill 2 and batman arkham asylum. Eventually after awhile you make your way the final section of the game where you choose between the 2 endings and than the game ends.

After Having Played 104 Hours Of The Game I Think Its Safe For Me To Say I Enjoy This Game Alot And While I do Very Much acknowledge that it is 100% weaker than the other south park games but I really do think its still a great game. I Weirdly enjoy this games plot as I think it fits well into south park and could possibly be in a mid tier episode. I also think this game is an actually really cool speedrun as it features quite alot of glitches and skips but does sadly rely heavily on good rng