Another video game from my childhood !
I originally played the Wii version "Prince of Persia - Rival Swords". It's a different name that is exclusive to the Wii release, but it's exactly the same game.
I remember spending more time watching my father & brother play it, rather than playing it myself. It was too hard for 10-years old me. I don't even remember if we ever finished it.
Tho to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if playing with my Xbox controller made the game considerably easier than playing it back then with a Wiimote & motion controls.

The PC version is janky and I had to do some workarounds when I started the game.
Setting my controller correctly was troublesome, and there was an issue with the graphics:
When you set the special effects to "High" the game has an extreme bloom effect that makes it considerably less pleasant to look at.
But if you set the special effects to "Medium" or "Low" your character's shadow turns green (don't ask me why).
I chose to stay on "Low" cause the bloom effect is just terrible.
The audio is also fucked up. In several cutscenes, there is a delay between what you hear and what's happening on screen.
Despite all those technical issues, the game was definitely playable. None of them were too much of a nuisance.

I was very happy with the gameplay. The controls are intuitive, and your character's movements are very fluid. He jumps far and he climbs ladders & ledges quickly.
It was a lot of fun to hang onto those curtains, and traverse the platforming sections full of traps. You need to have good timing, and dodging all those contraptions is really satisfying. The Prince definitely feels super agile!
The rewind mechanic was also welcomed. It was an interesting way to justify having a few extra chances upon failing a jump, and it also serves a purpose in the story & the Prince's character development.

The combat was engaging for the most part. There is an infiltration aspect to it, with an execution QTE everytime you manage to land a surprise attack. You also have plenty of combos, and you'll need to be clever to defeat some of the enemies. For example you can insta-kill the dogs if you attack them while they have their mouth opened.
You can also avoid direct confrontation. Whenever there is an enemy encounter, you aren't locked with them, and you can actually ignore them entirely by rushing to the next platforming segment (well, most of the time).
Another option if you want to avoid fighting is to knock the enemies over the rooftops. It works like a charm!

I wasn't a big fan of the Dark Prince transformation. I understand the idea of forcing the player to play more agressively to change the pace a bit, but it was kinda stressful to lose HP constantly. It's like having a timer, which I've never been fond of. And the combat itself isn't exciting. You can just spam the whip over & over until every enemy is dead.

The game has well designed Boss fights, and all of them are really challenging:
- The 1st Boss fight in the arena was great, I like that it relies a lot on platforming.
- The 2nd Boss fight against Mahasti was equally good. It involves a lot of melee combat with the use of parry & the Dark Prince transformation to get rid of her. Plus she has a sick chara design!
- The 3rd Boss fight against the Twin Warriors was probably the hardest in the game. But fun nonetheless.

Games that ask you to choose a difficulty before beginning your adventure, but don't let you change the difficulty again afterwards are a big no-no for me. I don't recommand starting the game on the highest difficulty if you ever decide to give it a try.
I keep thinking that if I started the game on Hard, maybe I would have never made it to the end 😅

The endgame areas were my favorites. I love the atmosphere in the Hanging Gardens.
After that, you have to make your way through the Palace's old well, and it's just as good. After a tough parkour segment, the Prince finds his dead father, and he finally manages to take control of his alter ego. It was a really cool story moment!

The final Boss fight, just like all the other ones, was very entertaining. It mixes melee combat, platforming & QTE, and it was so rewarding to defeat him.
When I thought I had finished my adventure, the Dark Prince reappeared out of nowhere to try and get rid of us. The end consists of a final platforming segment in the Prince's psyche, and the visuals were pretty neat.
Honestly, the last hours of the game went so smoothly, it was such a satisfying ending.

I'm surprised I enjoyed the game so much. The fact that Prince of Persia isn't a huge franchise that isn't talked about a lot, and the fact that the game came out in 2005.. I didn't expect it to be so good. It holds up really well!
I'll definitely play the first two games of the trilogy in the future: Sands of Time & Warrior Within.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Started on January 14th & finished on January 15th 2024]
Playtime: 14 hours
Main story complete.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
