When I first played Killer7, I was turned off. The gameplay felt like something out of a different dimension (quite frankly, it still does), I didn't understand the story, and it was a bit spooky, at a time when I wasn't really used to horror. I just wanted a cool stylish action game, and this wasn't it. And yet, after I dropped it, it kept nagging at me to pick it back up. Eventually, after No More Heroes proved a more comfortable entrance into Suda51's head, I did, and it ended up becoming my favorite game ever. I genuinely cannot predict what my approach to not just videogames but all media could be had I not played Killer7.

Let's get the boring stuff out of the way. In terms of presentation, Killer7 looks amazing even today. It's dark, it's stylish, and it fits itself like a glove. Music and sound design are great. Gameplay's very weird, but eventually slides into a fun if simplistic loop. The PC port is the best way to play it, just keep in mind that button prompts don't change depending on how you're actually playing it, which is weird but ultimately easy to get used to.

What truly makes Killer7 a game unlike any other is its narrative, style and atmosphere, though. It's deep, inscrutable, dark, prescient, funny, depressing and so many more adjectives I could throw at it, but nothing can really do Killer7 justice other than playing it. There are so many ways to read its story, and so many ways it can gel with one depending on the sort of person they are, that it would almost be unfair to push mine on someone who hasn't yet played it.

Reviewed on Jun 07, 2023
