Nocturne is one of those beautiful games where every aspect of them feeds its own greater themes. The unforgiving gameplay, the alien and hostile setting, the constant drifting apart of the few friends you think you can rely on and the overall cynical hopelessness of the world all come together to form a beautiful narrative in which you're ultimately forced to blindly feel around for its meaning, rather than be given one. I always get a bit upset at the take that Nocturne's story is barebones just because unlike newer SMTs it doesn't take care to explain every event in excruciating detail like some of the newer games. It's a sleek, minimalist game that uses a lot more than words to tell itself, and I have a lot of respect for that.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2023


11 months ago

High-difficulty RPGs aren't really my thing, but I love it when games make good use of their medium to tell a story, so I might check this out. Thanks for the recommendation!

11 months ago

I think the HD Remake has an Easy mode, so you might wanna look into that. There's some issues unique to it pertaining to presentation, but if difficulty is something you're not really interested in it's worth considering.

I do think that for the most part, difficulty in Nocturne is pretty fair, outside of the few times some random encounter gets lucky and just annihilates you in one turn. It only really gets crazy if you want to get the "true" ending, but it's not something I think is necessary on a first playthrough, and popping a save state (if you're not playing the remake) every once in a while is IMO a very fair thing to do if you want to.