After a bunch of 5 or 6 out of 10 games, this is the first shmup I've played that made me go "damn this is cool".

I will be forever spoiled by the power up mechanics here. You can get 3 levels for each type of beam, and each level gives you one extra hit. This made me realize that I'm not a fan of the "die in one hit" approach, standard for the genre. Just having unlimited continues is already fairly progressive tbh.

In true late 80s/ early 90s though, the final stage is an obnoxious difficulty spike. I managed to beat it legit however, no rewinds, though I had to use a specific strategy. Hint, your "bombs" are your best friend.

I just know I'll forever be chasing this high in other shmups, never to find it again.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
