This one is pure power fantasy distilled, what a damn good hack and slash.

Though... I feel like the difficulty is actually holding this game back a bit. Here's the thing: I actually finished it on Easy (aka "Ninja Dog"), but there's not really a difficulty selection - if you die three times, you get a (vague) message that you can lower the difficulty.

This is a game that requires A LOT of the player. I was 8, 10 hours in, and still discovering new cool shit I could do. The AI is super aggressive, a bit unpredictable, and dish out a lot of damage - there's just very little room for error.

All Easy mode does, is just give you more room for error - it's not actually "easy", it's more like "normal". By playing it, I was becoming more and more comfortable with the game, to the point where I actually wanted to try Normal mode again. Unfortunately, there's no way to change back, and the only option is to restart the game from the beginning. Having either the option to change difficulties on the fly, or perhaps a dynamic difficulty like RE4, would greatly benefit the game.

I'm not even sure I'll try Normal mode on replays, as I'll need some time to get comfortable with everything again.

As a sidenote, the extra Rachel levels in this version hurt the pacing a little bit. I got used to it (and her over the top design), but it was weird.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2021
